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23 Feb

Ulysses sets goals for me

Datum: 2023-02-23 17:48
A laptop is showing the Ulysses app in writing mode.

Not too long ago, I wrote a new lec­ture. I used the writ­ing app Ulysses, that I use for most (if not all) of my writ­ing — be it talks, books, tips or video scripts. In it, I am par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of its time esti­ma­tion function.

Long enough (or short)?

I decid­ed on how long I want­ed to talk about a cer­tain sec­tion and could set that as a goal for that par­tic­u­lar sec­tion. Ulysses knows how long it takes to speak a text (as opposed to read­ing it silent­ly) and then clear­ly shows me that I need to cut even more from my script. 

Screenshot from the app Ulysses, where the time goal is passed.

Oh no! I have so much I want to say! 😩 

Oh, well.

How about you?

Do you also use Ulysses or a sim­i­lar writ­ing app? What do you like most about it? Tell me!