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13 May

Video: How to get long emails summarized with AI

Datum: 2024-05-13 09:01

Would­n’t it be nice if some­one could sum­ma­rize the long emails you’ve received?!

It’s per­fect­ly pos­si­ble to solve.

Here is a way to let an AI sum­ma­rize the longest emails you get, so that you can move from email to action faster!

Do you do some­thing sim­i­lar? Tell me!

(But, what about secu­ri­ty? Is it real­ly sen­si­ble to let an AI read emails? Yes, data sent via Ope­nAI’s API (which I use here) is not used to train the AI. The data is delet­ed at Ope­nAI and does not remain in history.)

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