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21 Oct

Video: Your goal is SMART, but is it FAST?

Datum: 2024-10-21 07:28

Your goal should not be SMART! That’s outdated!

At least that’s what MIT pro­fes­sor Don­ald Sull argues in an arti­cle in the MIT Sloan Man­age­ment Review.

FAST rather than SMART

Instead, goals should be FAST, accord­ing to Sull.

  • F — Fre­quent­ly discussed
  • A — Ambitious
  • S — Specific
  • T — Transparent

I don’t quite agree, but I think he brings a valu­able addi­tion with the F and T. More peo­ple should adopt that!

Maybe you have?

What do you do?

If so, how have you made your goals more FAST? Tell me!

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