What you gain from having an almost empty computer desktop
Datum: 2024-10-21 07:12

What does your computer desktop look like? If it is cluttered by documents, folders, and shortcuts it looks like what most people’s desktops look like. But if it does, it is a pity since you are missing out on a few benefits with having it almost empty and you are exposing yourself to a few risks by having it so cluttered.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
The reason why it’s there
The people I help in my work have documents and folders lying about on their computer desktops, for instance, because:
- they have put them there so that they will remember to do something with them soon.
- the documents have just been left there after being downloaded at some point and been used for a specific purpose at the time.
- they placed them there temporarily since they wanted to make sure they could access them when they knew they were going to be somewhere where the internet connection was not reliable.
Let nothing stop you
You want to ensure that you are making things as easy for yourself as possible while working. Every distraction and unwanted interruption of what you are doing steals time, focus, and energy — and for nothing. If your computer desktop is cluttered by all kinds of objects, one of these objects could easily remind you of something else you also have to do soon. You will start thinking about that other thing and perhaps even drop the task you were in the middle of to do this recently remembered task instead. A while later you ask yourself: ”Now, what was I doing?”.
There is, of course, a point in having the files you need at the moment easily available on your desktop, just a click away. But, if there are piles and piles of digital documents, it will still be hard to find what you need right now. It takes time, you get distracted, and you fall out of pace with that lovely flow you were just in.
If this feels remotely familiar, clean up your computer desktop today.
Do this
Since cleaning and clearing things out are activities some of us tend to postpone as we think they will take too much time, get your phone or watch ready, and actually time yourself this once so that you know for sure how fast you can clear your desktop.
- First, open the timer on your phone and start it.
- Then, take one file at a time from your desktop and decide what you will do with it. I could be:
- Throwing it away
- Putting it back where it belongs
- Writing a to-do-task concerning the file or document on your list, since the document was actually saved on the desktop to remind you of doing something special
- Keep going for as long as you either can or have the energy to.
- When you feel that it will do, stop the timer and see how long it took you to get as much as you got done, done.
- If there are still documents and files on the desktop to clear away, take a look in your calendar to see when the next possible time when you have as many minutes as it took you now available. Block this slot of time in the calendar and resolve to clean some more. Before you know it, you will be done with all of it.
Better use of an important surface
If you keep your computer desktop free from clutter that has no business being left there, you will find the fact that you can place files there temporarily much more useful. What you at the moment need to keep easily available, will actually be so. You will not get lost amongst all the irrelevant objects and no longer have to get distracted by what you should not be focusing on right now.
What’s your way?
How do you use the computer desktop in the best possible way? Do you have some trick you use to keep it more or less empty? Your ideas are very welcome — please feel free to email me and share your tip.
(But, how do you get rid of the “the old desktop” folder?
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