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12 Dec

Write the email now and have it sent when it suits you

Datum: 2024-12-12 13:44
A woman appears tired and leans on her desk while staring at her laptop late at night, surrounded by files and office supplies.

Have you ever had to work very late one night and right after final­ly send­ing those last emails that have been hang­ing over your head a few hours past mid­night (the ones you want­ed to respond to before the week­end just to have them out of the way), the thing you least expect­ed hap­pens — some­one responds straight away?

The per­son who you emailed appar­ent­ly need­ed to work late as well and when he or she received your email they also want­ed to get rid of it” straight away (since it is so nice to have all your emails out of the way before the week­end…) and you got an answer more or less imme­di­ate­ly. But you had just fin­ished! And now you have anoth­er email to respond to and new tasks to do as a result of it… 

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

It is at times like these when you want to have the cake and eat it too. You want to send the emails so that the inbox is emp­ty and every­thing is fin­ished before the week­end, but also not have sent them (since you real­ly do not want any more replies right now).

Most email­ing-clients and ‑pro­grams have a func­tion for sched­ul­ing the actu­al send­ing of the email you have writ­ten. It is in sit­u­a­tions like this when the fea­ture real­ly comes in handy and you should make full use of it.

Do this

If you some­times need to send an email at anoth­er time than when you wrote it and still have not got­ten acquaint­ed with the sched­ul­ing-func­tion, do so right now.

Email when­ev­er you want to with­out keep­ing oth­ers in mind

If you use the func­tions that are avail­able for writ­ing first and send­ing lat­er, it will become much eas­i­er to work dur­ing the hours when you find it most con­ve­nient to respond to your emails with­out hav­ing to con­sid­er oth­er people’s work­ing hours or responses.

If you occa­sion­al­ly need to get some work done dur­ing the week­end but do not wish for your cowork­ers to feel pres­sured to do the same when they get emails from you late Sat­ur­day evening — well out­side of ordi­nary work­ing hours — you can eas­i­ly sched­ule the email to be sent on Mon­day morn­ing instead. A very neat solu­tion, if you ask me!

What’s your way?

How have you made your email­ing eas­i­er? Have you found anoth­er app, an add-on, or anoth­er plu­g­in that makes email­ing both eas­i­er and more fun? Tell me!

(Do you know these sev­en rules of email­ing eti­quette?)

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