
Talk "AI in your workday: Save time, gain productivity and reduce stress"

A man in a suit stands with arms outstretched against a backdrop of vibrant, exploding colors.

Are you ready to take your work to the next level? Do you want to be at the forefront and leverage the latest in AI to work even more efficiently?

In today's working life, many of us experience that:

  • there is too much to do and not enough time
  • simple tasks take unnecessarily much time away from what we would rather focus on
  • countless meetings take up a large part of the workday
  • our plan for the day is constantly interrupted by new, urgent tasks
  • Instead, we want more time for important tasks, work less overtime, and for everyday tasks to be done quicker and easier.

For you who "have a lot on your plate" 

The talk "AI in your workday: Save time, gain productivity and reduce stress" is aimed at you who manage a high workload and strive to use your time in the most efficient way.

You are a manager, expert, salesperson, administrator, project leader, CEO, or hold another kind of position where you largely organize your work yourself and in collaboration with colleagues.

Don’t fall behind

Do you want to keep up with the rapid devel­op­ment of AI and not miss the oppor­tu­ni­ties that the tech­nol­o­gy offers? Then here is your chance.

Have you, like many oth­ers, also thought: AI — it seems great and some­thing I need to keep an eye on, but what can I do with this in my job?”

AI is tru­ly the new thing” right now, and I, the struk­tör David Stiern­holm, show you how you can use this ground­break­ing tech­nol­o­gy to rev­o­lu­tion­ize your work — every day.


In the talk, we will explore how AI can facil­i­tate every­day work tasks such as:

  • Email­ing
  • Writ­ing
  • Man­ag­ing large amounts of information
  • Hold­ing impor­tant meetings
  • Cre­at­ing pre­sen­ta­tion texts
  • Solv­ing com­plex work tasks in sim­pler ways
  • Cap­tur­ing voice notes quickly
  • Pri­or­i­tiz­ing among every­thing you have to do

Send me an offer

Three types of tools 

We will dis­cuss three types of AI tools:

  1. Chat tools like Chat­G­PT and Copi­lot for Work in Microsoft 365
  2. Script-based tools like Microsoft­’s Pow­er Auto­mate and Zapier
  3. Built-in fea­tures in the com­mon apps you use every day, such as Microsoft 365

What you will learn 

Dur­ing the talk, you will gain insights and prac­ti­cal knowl­edge about:

  • How AI can trans­form the way you work and make your work­days more efficient. 
  • Spe­cif­ic ways to use AI to auto­mate and sim­pli­fy every­day tasks. 
  • Strate­gies for inte­grat­ing AI tools into your dai­ly work to enhance productivity. 
  • How you can stay updat­ed and take advan­tage of the rapid devel­op­ment of AI technology.

Not just inspiration

The talk is not just a gen­er­al intro­duc­tion to AI tools, but a prac­ti­cal guide to inspire you to change the way you work.

Learn to stream­line your work­day and have more time for what real­ly matters.

I want to con­tact David Stiern­holm about his talk AI in your workday”

What do oth­er cus­tomers think?

See what oth­er cus­tomers have thought about the lec­tures they booked with me.

Some com­mon questions 

What will I learn in the talk?” 

In the talk, I take you through a typ­i­cal work­day. I show how I use AI to assist with many of my tasks to get them done faster and with less effort. You like­ly also have these tasks, so you can do as I do and have more time for what is most impor­tant in your job.

For exam­ple, I show you how I let the AI read long emails I’ve received and sum­ma­rize them so that I can get through my inbox faster. You’ll see how I use AI’s help to pre­pare for an impor­tant meet­ing in a frac­tion of the time com­pared to if I had done it myself — and with bet­ter results! I demon­strate how I extract the most impor­tant lessons from heaps of spread­sheet data with­out doing Piv­ot tables and com­pli­cat­ed for­mu­las, just by chat­ting with the AI.

And, I show you much more.

Do I need any pri­or knowledge?”

You do not need any spe­cial pri­or knowl­edge to ben­e­fit from the talk.

I keep the con­tent sim­ple enough that some­one who has nev­er tried doing any­thing with AI before can under­stand how to approach this excit­ing field.

I also keep it detailed enough so that those who have exper­i­ment­ed a lot with AI get con­crete tips about more appli­ca­tions and spe­cif­ic tools and ser­vices they can try and add to the AI arse­nal they are already work­ing with.

Will there be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to ask questions?”

Of course, you can ask ques­tions when­ev­er you won­der about some­thing. I enjoy get­ting ques­tions from my par­tic­i­pants, not just at the end after I have fin­ished speak­ing, but also dur­ing the lec­ture so that you can get answers right when we are talk­ing about what you want to ask about.

My lec­tures are inter­ac­tive rather than monologues.

Can you hold the talk digitally?”

I can eas­i­ly hold the talk dig­i­tal­ly for you through Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, or what­ev­er meet­ing plat­form you use.

Can you come to us?”

Yes, I hold most of my speak­ing engage­ments on-site at my clients’ loca­tions. I trav­el any­where, to large and small places, with­in Swe­den and beyond the coun­try’s borders.

How do I book?”

Email me imme­di­ate­ly at david@​stiernholm.​com or click the but­ton below and tell me that you are inter­est­ed in the talk, and we will take it from there.

I will send you a sim­ple quote with pric­ing, avail­able dates, con­tent, pos­si­ble add-ons, and every­thing you need to know to make a deci­sion or to take this for­ward inter­nal­ly in your organization.

Yes, please, send me a quote.


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